Drama Queen
We had quite the band practice tonight. Actually, practice itself was the usual, nothing to write home about. But as we we tearing down, our bass player (who is 17) really wanted to talk to one of the other adults in the group in private. We gave him some crap about "why can't you talk to the band about it?" So he did.
He came out to his parents today.
Mind you, I was not surprised at all. There were little clues. The rainbow strap for his bass. The effeminate way he carried himself. The clothes and the look. The way he and the drummer (they're best buds) would act like they were a couple and the drummer is totally straight. One time the bass player was feeding the drummer from his plate at a social function. Our singer has a gay son and can relate to his struggle.
You see, his parents flipped out when he told them. His dad went all biblical on him and told him he was condemning his soul, blamed him for the not being able to find work since he brought this "evil" into the house, etc. Mind you, his dad is a great guy and all, but he just can't accept it right now. His mom didn't take it well either so our bass player was very distraught since he has a close relationship with his parents.
We were all very supportive of him. He's my band mate. Over the last two years, we've really bonded as a band and become a lot like a family. It's difficult to describe for me, but my bandmates really are almost as close as family to me. It's more than just the music. It truly is that God brought us together.
When he told us, we were all like, "well, duh!" Except for our drummer, his best bud. He was shocked and amazed! We found it so funny because it was so obvious to the rest of us. I even mentioned to the Wife quietly (as the kids were around) that I stayed later than expected because the bass player had an "emotional" issue we were helping with. Her first response, "is he gay?" It was that obvious.
Anyway, we were all very happy for him that he was finally at peace with himself, even with all the other drama going on. Accepting yourself is a big deal. And for a 17 year old to come out, that is very brave. Luckily, all the friends he's told are also very supportive. I'm pretty sure his parents will come around once they have time to reflect and take it all in. I'll certainly pray they do.
He came out to his parents today.
Mind you, I was not surprised at all. There were little clues. The rainbow strap for his bass. The effeminate way he carried himself. The clothes and the look. The way he and the drummer (they're best buds) would act like they were a couple and the drummer is totally straight. One time the bass player was feeding the drummer from his plate at a social function. Our singer has a gay son and can relate to his struggle.
You see, his parents flipped out when he told them. His dad went all biblical on him and told him he was condemning his soul, blamed him for the not being able to find work since he brought this "evil" into the house, etc. Mind you, his dad is a great guy and all, but he just can't accept it right now. His mom didn't take it well either so our bass player was very distraught since he has a close relationship with his parents.
We were all very supportive of him. He's my band mate. Over the last two years, we've really bonded as a band and become a lot like a family. It's difficult to describe for me, but my bandmates really are almost as close as family to me. It's more than just the music. It truly is that God brought us together.
When he told us, we were all like, "well, duh!" Except for our drummer, his best bud. He was shocked and amazed! We found it so funny because it was so obvious to the rest of us. I even mentioned to the Wife quietly (as the kids were around) that I stayed later than expected because the bass player had an "emotional" issue we were helping with. Her first response, "is he gay?" It was that obvious.
Anyway, we were all very happy for him that he was finally at peace with himself, even with all the other drama going on. Accepting yourself is a big deal. And for a 17 year old to come out, that is very brave. Luckily, all the friends he's told are also very supportive. I'm pretty sure his parents will come around once they have time to reflect and take it all in. I'll certainly pray they do.