Post about nothing

I need a little winding down so I figured I would just do some writing. Nothing really much to say. Today has been one of those kind of days. We got about 3 inches of snow today, which means I had to get up early to clean the driveway. Not too big a deal. Then the older kid didn't want to get up so instead of getting out of the house a little early, I got out a little late. Plus traffic was crawling due to the weather so I got to work late. I'm on salary so it's not like I punch in or anything but I've got this thing where I just cannot stand to be late. So I got to work today very irritated. I lasted pretty much the whole morning but I was cool by lunchtime and was fine by the time I got home. Of course, I took a little while to get home, again due to weather related traffic. I get home for about 45 minutes then I have to run off to take the older boy to cub scouts. It's something I like to do with him so it's not a chore or anything. But of course, once I get back home, it's quick get the kids to bed, make lunches for the next day, get some correspondence out I couldn't do at work, collect all the trash to go to the curb since it's trash night. I finally got done with all of that about 5 minutes ago at around 9:10. And now I'm blogging. I'm wiped out. The only thing I'm looking forward to tonight is the series finale of NYPD Blue. Hopefully it won't suck.

I'm really tired. I'll probably have to get up early again tomorrow as they're calling for more snow. Truthfully I'd like nothing better than to curl up in bed with the little lady, but it's a weeknight and she's not the affectionate type during the week. Don't ask, it's a long sordid story. Ok, not so sordid but a story for perhaps another time. Suffice it to say she'll probably fall asleep in her chair and I'll go to bed and not wait up.

Anyway, faithful reader, I'm going to tuck you all in now with the proverbial glass of water and kiss on the head and wish you a good night and pleasant dreams. Make sure you have your favorite cuddly think to hug during the night and sleep tight. I've going to veg and do the same soon.


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