Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting!

Today was a momentous occasion in the annals of Grasshopper history. He EARNED his Yellow Belt in karate. He was very proud of himself. He knew his kata down pat and was able to demonstrate it no problem. One of the instructors even had Grasshopper stand next to him to help demonstrate to the new white belts that were just learning. He was quite the little man.

Here's Grasshopper demonstrating his fighting stance. Notice the serious look on his face. They play a game where the instructors try to make the kids smile or laugh. The student can only breath and blink, not move. Grasshopper wins all the time now.

This is Grasshopper with his bestest pal ever, Tyler. You'll notice that Tyler has also earned his yellow belt. These two are inseperable. All other pals may come and go, but Tyler goes with Grasshopper no matter what. Tyler's a pretty good dog, but sometimes is a little loud.

Before you know it, Grasshopper and Tyler are going to be black belts and kicking all of our asses. So watch yourself, or I may "release the hounds" as it were and get Grasshopper and Tyler to open a can of whoop ass on you.


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