
Showing posts from 2011

What a relief

EZ Come EZ Go

Time may change me but I can't change time

Take a chill pill


Kate Made Me Do This

What happened to my church?

Reflections on Marriage

Trust in the Lord

End of another season

Something to tide you over

Faith on Fire Rocks!

Still alive and kicking



Busy busy busy!

Did anyone notice?

All or nothing

Weighing In

Let's go racing!

Wrapping up another year

That's better

Look out, man of action on the loose

One final battle

So much going on, so little to say

Life out of control

I shouldn't have done it...

Should I feel guilty?

What are we coming to

Prayers requested

Who's opinion really matters - Updated II

Vacation Wrap Up

Day 2 - Baseball!

Day 1 in Baltimore

Talking me off the edge

Preparing to do Battle

What's new?

Not the mama