This and That

Just a few quick updates. I think I said previously (too lazy to look up my old posts) that I saw the dietician a couple of weeks ago. Since then, I've been very good about watching the carb and sugar intake and sticking with the new lifestyle. I've also been trying to get 30 minutes of activity every day. I know rollerblade a couple of times a week (or hit the treadmill). I'm now using the fitness center at work and lifting weights again for strength training. As a result, I'm about 10 pounds lighter! My pants are now slipping off of me if I don't tighten my belt. I feel better than I have in a long time. I curious to know how my next round of blood work will come out but it's a couple of months out yet.

We got teacher assignments for both the boys. We had a potential issue with Grasshopper. We know his new teacher from when she used to be their day care provider, so that was cool. But we found out from her teacher web page that she was expecting a baby in August. Our concern was that there's be a substitute teacher and that Grasshopper would get a new teacher middle of the year and not deal with the change well. We contacted the school and after talking with them, the Wife is more comfortable. I was ready to march in and start telling the principal how it was going to be, but I got reigned in by the lady. I'm not a big fan of this principal anyway so I was perfectly prepared to put my foot down. Maverick found out his foriegn language assignment. He put down his preferences but you don't know for sure until the year starts. He got Italian! Now the boy can learn his grandparents native tongue. He's pretty excited. His other teachers look good as well so we'll see how things go. Wednesday the Wife is taking Maverick to school to set up his locker and Grasshopper to meet his new teacher.

On the personal/professional front, I happened to get the latest issue of Information Week (IT trade mag) and on the cover was the headline "Who's Your Next CIO?" My immediate thought? Me! So I did a lot of reading of the articles and got some good information on what I need to do to get there. One of the things that struck me was perhaps getting an MBA. I've never seriously thought about it but decided to get our CIO's opinion. When I mentioned it to him, his first words were "You got the gumption?" When I asked whether having an MBA would enhance my career opportunities he said "Hell yes! Do it." I asked around some more and prayed about it and all the feedback I'm getting seems to indicate it would be a good career move. So I'm working on my application to Empire State College. I can take on-line courses which I much prefer at this stage in my life. Stay tuned and I'll let you know how things go.

Finally, I wanted to put up the new Faith on Fire logo. As a reminder, you can check out our web page (such as it is, I know it needs work) at Hope you like it!


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