
Tonight was the transition meeting for Christopher from 8th to 9th grade. That's right, he'll be starting high school in the fall, class of 2014. You would think it was scary, your oldest going to high school. Truthfully, that's not what scared me. It was the academic load he'll need to carry and the tough requirements colleges these days have to get in.

Unfortunately, his track record in middle school does not fill me with confidence that he can excel in high school and get the grade which he's capable. It doesn't seem to bug him that much when homework doesn't get turned in, assignments get turned in late, and his grades take a hit when his assingments are not in on time. And his organizational skills are poor which doesn't seem to bother him either. As an example, he wanted to get school logo gear when wrestling season started. So we wrote out a check for what he wanted and gave it to him to give to his coach. This was in December. I went through his backpack about a week and a half ago and guess what I found in the bottom? That's right, the envelope with the check. His response? "I could have sworn I gave that to my coach." Which would be funny if it wasn't for the fact he does this ALL THE TIME.

I hope tonight put some of the fear of God in him. He keeps saying he wants to get in a good college, but not the way he's going now. If the fear of God doesn't work, then I'll put the fear of me in him. He's going to do well in high school if it kills him. And it might.


Jammie J. said…
Oh boy. That kind of haphazardness would definitely drive me crazy. He is obviously NOT a "j" type of personality (Myer Briggs personality typing).
sydwynd said…
If I took the Myer Briggs, it was long ago. However, I know I'm a high I personality under the DiSC personality typing (for intuitive). And the thing that makes Ellen and I the craziest is that he's plenty smart and is not working to his potential.
Jude said…
His having so much intelligence and not using it to his potential would be the most frustrating for you and Ellen, definitely! Ah well just think Rocker Guy, one day your boys will be driven crazy by your grandkids! Mua haha!
sydwynd said…
That is the point of grandchildren. To allow parents to laugh at their kids.
Anonymous said…
The school my kids go to, Over Achiever High, are sometimes more concerned about the % graduating than what they know. I do now my son is brilliant, talented. He will graduate even though currently he is carrying a .89 GPA. Not a typo, .89. Trust your son. Did you know everything at 18? He's joined the Navy, by the way. You are one of the few I know who will appreciate that. Momcani (because Google hates me).
Unknown said…
Middle school can be the black hole of education. Communication with teachers is totally different than it was in elementary. Most kids catch their snap in HS- our son did, and he was a hot mess all through middle school. Keep on him!
sydwynd said…
Momcani: I'm trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, but I'm sure you know how it is. Your son's in for an interesting time. Some of the best times I had were in the Navy.

Brighton: I hope you're right. One of my middle school teacher friends tells me similar things.

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