Quo Vadis?
My Latin is rusty, but it means "Where are you going?" That was sort of my theme on Monday. I had this feeling of "where the hell am I going?". I felt like, other than completing my MBA, I had no particular direction, no goals, no plan. I came to the conclusion that I'm going in the direction my nose is pointed. I'm not sure if that's good or bad.
Basically it seems lately that I'm just being carried whichever direction the wind takes me. Especially professionally, it seems like I'm just trying keep going in what I'm doing with no thought of what's next. Certainly I'm having to prove myself all over again and basically starting from scratch. How that's going, I don't even really know.
So right now I'm taking things a day, may be two or three, at a time. Next week always seems so far away until it gets here. But I suppose the key is to keep moving. I read a great quote once about the shark's view of life which seems appropriate. "If you stop moving, you sink."
Love the shark quote!
It's always hard for me to accept that, because I'm a "get it done" kind of gal and I don't got anything to get done right now. It's a weird place for me to be. So I understand (I think I do anyway) how you feel.
I laughed about your sentence, "I came to the conclusion that I'm going in the direction my nose is pointed." Sometimes that's what we need to do...
Jammie: I can relate to that "get it done" attitude. Thanks for the support. It's much appreciated.
Keep on keepin on...
Or not.
I think you are headed in the right direction. A lot of people are feeling just like you are in their professional lives- me included : )