I am so tired...

You know, I really should rant on about work. I just spent 2 hours, at night, when I should be chilling, catching up on a project that the project manager is trying to blame my team for delaying. I now need to hit him back to show that this is a poorly run project to begin with. I finished the day today very pissed off that my team is getting acused of dropping the ball, when we're one of the only teams willing to step up and try to make things happen. Not to mention we DIDN'T drop the ball. So I got my dander up. I'm totally willing to take the blame when we screw up, but no one is going to knock down my guys when they're busting their asses to do 10 people's jobs with 4 guys. No one.

So tomorrow I need to get some stuff on track and AGAIN show the world why my guys kick the most ass. And then we'll go kick some more ass.

Do you understand now why I feel the need to take over this department?


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