Happy Birthday to Me
Today, I am XLII.
Normally, I wouldn't make a big deal out of my birthday. However, today turned out to be a very cool day. I got nice gifts from the Wife, new kick ass shirts to wear to work to keep up my image of a IT King Rocker Guy. Also, she made my FAVORITEST dessert, chocolate chiffon pie (well, I did ANY chocolate cream pie, but this was especially heavenly).
As an added, surprise, totally kick ass bonus, today I got the new toy I'm typing this post on. That's right, I finally broke down and got a brand new laptop, and it totally kicks ass. Here's a link to HP's website with a look.
Sorry for my Mac lover pals out there, but this baby was half the price and works just as good. I've played on Macs and PC's and trust me, Macs are elegant, but not that superior. Anyway, I ordered it about a week ago and it just happened to turn up on my birthday! And best of all, it comes with Windows XP! Out of the box! Big Yay all around!
Now I'm going to spend the next couple of days configuring and securing it. But never fear, it will be in tip top working order in no time.