Uptight, Sanctimonious Ingrates

Before I get into ranting, a couple of acknowledgements:

1. I must thank the Wife for allowing me to post from home. I will say that I completed all my chores first and gave her all the assistance she required in the making of the freezer jam (my job was to do dishes). It is the most excellent jam I've ever tasted. She makes it fresh each year and it is to DIE for.

2. I'd like to welcome some of my new readers, Tracy, Jamie, and Jude. I've linked your sites on my blog roll and am reading your blogs. Jude, I've just begun to check yours out. Thanks for reading.

Someone was waiting to see how the saga of the missus and I turns out. I think we have a better understanding now - translated, I've got my shit together and am doing my fair share. I've encouraged the little lady to post whatever she feels like saying and to continue to comment. She's not into writing as much as I so I'm sure she won't post as frequently, but Honey, say whatever you like here when you feel the need to say it.

Now, for those of you who wish to see more of the powerful wrath the Wife can inflict on unsuspecting people that post to the internet, please check out this link. It is the message board for autism-pdd.net, a web support site for parents of children with Autism and PDD (pervasive developmental disorder, the broad range spectrum of which Autism is a part).

As a sort of public service announcement, she posted about our camping retreat weekend, and what a great time it was. She was trying to give some info for other parents that might like a similar program. Boy was she hammered. She emailed me about how upset she was. I read and the blood boiled. I couldn't let this go without posting a rebuttal. Here's some highlights of the entire thread:

My wife mentioned that assistants were assigned to each child for one on one support and that they were college students. Here were two of the replies:

"How long was the orientation tho? I know with my two unless they have specific training in their diagnosis I wouldn't trust them with my two. And Gabe is very high maintenance. It would also depend on what kind of specific training they had too."

"Although I am so glad Zipper & Family had a wonderful time, I wouldnt trust anyone with my kids without really knowing them. And My kids wouldnt go with a stranger without getting to know them first."

There is more. So I left a somewhat flaming reply. A bit of sarcasm mixed with righteous indignation. Here's the next post:

"Well excuse me but my two kids are not appropriate for any day care setting. As far as respite, if you are there, what kind of respite is it? Usually you leave when the respite worker is there or if it is overnight respite the kids are at someone else's house. You said the program has been operating for a few years. I still would't trust it. "

At this point, the Wife chimed back in and had to lay the Smackdown on them all. I'm proud of my little lady. She's usually somewhat mild mannered, but when her dander is up, look out. That's when the fire and acid come out. The moderator of the forum calmed things down after that but it's good stuff.

I'll let the little lady tell her side of the story if she so desires. I'm going to turn in now. I have to do my nightly Scripture reading and maybe find a little time to read a book I checked out of the library on the history of the Masons and it's 11:30. After seeing National Treasure, the whole Mason thing sounded kind of interesting. Good night everyone! (Tucks everyone into bed and kisses them on the head).


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