..... And Breath!

Christmas is done. Yeah! The holidays went quite well. Dinner at the parents house was not as big a zoo as usual. We all had a nice time. Had the brother in law and family over of Christmas. We had a pleasant dinner and wonderful time. Got hooked on Wasail. I highly recommend it. It's made up of wine, pinapple and orange juice, cinnimon, and some other stuff served warm. Very tasty and quite addictive. The boys loved thier presents. They're still playing with them and getting into things they haven't really played with yet.

I have the week off with the boys. So far it's gone well. Not too much yelling and they're both still alive. Today was doctor day, with appointments for each of the boys and myself. It turns out the younger boy is a little nearsighted and will need glasses. He's actually excited about it as he thinks glasses are cool since one of his friends wears them. He'll need them only for seeing far away, not close up work.

I'm taking the week to regroup of sorts. Next year there's a lot going on with me, mostly on the musical front. I'm going to get the new priase group rolling in about 2 weeks. And I've got to finish the CD project. Beyond that there's taking care of the wife and kids. I'll have my hands full.

Speaking of the wife, I must print a public retraction of sorts. She does paruse my page from time to time and I have misrepresented her on occasion. One specific instance is the whole leather couch issue. I must correct the fact that she didn't insist on the leather couch and would have preferred not to have one. However, with two young boys leather is easier to care for thatn cloth. A very sensible position (she is a sensible lady after all). She doesn't spend money willy nilly. She's quite frugal and if she spends $50 on clothing it means she got $150 worth for $50. However, we have been having some minor tussles over spending, specifically on her desire for snow tires for the sport utitlity vehicle. More on that later but suffice it to say that she has valid and compelling reasons to purchase them and I'm choking on the roughly $1000 price tag that this will require. So far we're at draw, with her periodically reminding me that she hasn't dropped it and me pretending not to hear her.

Anyway, I will try to keep things up to date, though I don't expect to blog much this week as I'm home and don't spend too much time at the computer. The only reason I'm taking the time now is that with my appointment shortly, I really can't get anything started.

I will say that 2004 has been an amazing year that that God has blessed our family with more than we could have imagined. Hopefully he will continue to bless us in 2005. Happy New Year to all out there.


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